Salmon: bacon of the sea?
So the other day Lauren and I were invited round to her friend Hannah's place to have a quiet Sunday brunch with her boyfriend, Neil. The Morning started uneventfully enough with a quiet stroll down my street in North Fitzroy.

Fortunately, Hannah is a mere stones throw from my house, and it was only a 5 minute walk before we were sitting in her lounge and playing with her cat while She and Neil prepared a delicious breakfast... Just enough exercise to get the appetite up.

Distracted as I was by the fun with the cat, I failed to notice what new treat Hannah had in store for me. I eat a fair amount of food, and have a varied diet to boot. But for some reason I'd never had Salmon for breakfast.... Oh what an epiphany! To make things easier I have decided to extol the virtues of salmon as a breakfast ingredient in point form:
Then we had a leisurely walk back to my place, content in the knowledge that we hadn't abused our bodies with the usual cocktail of meat pies, bacon, fried potato, sauce, cider and fudge that has become all too common for Lauren and I to eat on a lazy Sunday morning.
My salmon experience had such a profound effect on me that I decided to throw it down, 'net stylez' for everyone else to read about. Next time I'm at the supermarket ordering my usual 500g of bacon, I'll be sure to consider adding it's aquatic cousin to my basket instead.

Fortunately, Hannah is a mere stones throw from my house, and it was only a 5 minute walk before we were sitting in her lounge and playing with her cat while She and Neil prepared a delicious breakfast... Just enough exercise to get the appetite up.

Distracted as I was by the fun with the cat, I failed to notice what new treat Hannah had in store for me. I eat a fair amount of food, and have a varied diet to boot. But for some reason I'd never had Salmon for breakfast.... Oh what an epiphany! To make things easier I have decided to extol the virtues of salmon as a breakfast ingredient in point form:
- It's cool. Non-hippie types will really appreciate the fact that you eat raw meat that's been harvested fresh from the sea.
- It's good for you. Apparently it is low in Saturated fat, while being high in Protein and Omega-3. I'm not too sure what omega-3 does.... presumably as much as omega-2 and Omega-1 combined.
- It won't leave bacon fat splattered on your pans, walls, mouth or bib.
- It won't leave the aforementioned fat clogging your arteries like a bunch of nerds trying to squeeze into EBgames on the night of a console launch.
- It tastes pretty damn good with scrambled eggs.

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